Tag: Study

  • Exams are over!

    Yeah!!!  OK. This set of exams was over 2 days ago. I screwed my last paper. I was tired from doing duty for four days. I didn’t know my limit. Now I know better. Still, I could answer all the questions and hopefully all the papers have a pass grade printed on my report card.…

  • Exams in 3 days time

    3 more days to my first exams. As the clock ticks by, different feelings are boiling within me. I am worried and anxious that I will not be able to do the paper as well as I want. I am unsure if I should be more relaxed or strict with myself (I have not been…

  • SYF JC Choir Central Judging 2009

    Today, I went to Victoria Concert Hall to participate in the event as an audience, along with Carol. We got the tickets from YJC. Each school has to sing 3 pieces, one of which is a set piece, and the other 2, choice pieces. After 3 schools, I realised how boring can it get with…