Be more aware about the technology you are using!
Otherwise you are just embarrassing yourself. theonlinecitizen has just posted, on Facebook, a Google News link on Youth Olympics Game and saying this: virtually all of [the news reported are] from our local news outlets. The world doesn’t seem interested at all. But we’re spending almost S$400 million on it. For propensity sake, a screenshot…
14 days before birthday
This post is originally scheduled to be written exactly 30 days before my 22nd birthday. Apparently, it is not to be the case. I have gotten rather busy with school and the whatsnot. To add, I have to remind myself that there are still many posts that I have yet to write. Opps. My 21st…
Celebrating Values Day 2010
It is here again. Honestly, this is the only event that gets me excited as an alumnus of YJC. 😀 Tickets are priced at $10/-. They can be bought at the event itself or from any existing YJCians, students and teachers alike. If you see any YJCians on the street, stop them and ask for…