I first heard this song on a CD in bought in Malaysia last year. It went into my successive MP3 players for months before disappearing back into the massive library I have. This song (Gabriel’s Oboe) popped out again when I began watching Beethoven Virus. It was used as a (successful) piece in the first concert that the “amateur” orchestra put up. It is piece that touches your heart deeply. It is originally for the film, The Mission (1986), serene movement of the oboe propelled it to be a song with many artistes, orchestras covering it, playing it. The original lyrics, in Italian, were only added in after Sarah Brightman relentlessly requested the original composer, Ennio Morricone for permission. The lyrics were written by Chiarra Ferraù (via). The song with words is titled, Nella Fantasia. Here are some of the renditions of the piece.
Gabriel’s Oboe/Nella Fantasia

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New post: Gabriel’s Oboe/Nella Fantasia http://tr.im/wVG7