Category: My Notepad

  • Windows 7 Beta

    I have tried Windows 7 Beta for barely 2 weeks, before my brother decided to plug it. He thought that the video card error is caused by the OS. Whatever, I am waiting for him to re-install the Beta and set the computer on dual boot. I don’t know where he put the installation file.…

  • Quick Bites: 25 Random Things About Me

    This is lifted directly off from my Facebook account. I have more active friends online than offline. All thanks to I am struggling to learn guitar at the moment and fail spectacularly. I am stuck to the computer every moment I am at home. I still haven’t complete the About page on my blog.…

  • Orgy Nights with Blue8118: Night 1

    Despite the catchy title, it is not. Nathalia touched down in Singapore on Friday. Brennan tried to jio people on Plurk to go to the airport to see her coming. But apparently, it was only me and him. Brennan was comical at the airport. He was literally running to the arrival hall. I had to…