Came up with this when some unknown friend(s) were trigger-happy jacking another friend (M) ‘s Facebook account. In a status, we marvelled M’s mad skill of coding while walking. One commented about having a coding competition in an obstacle course. In my mind, I referenced it to Ninja Warriors. And thus this image was born in 30 minutes.
Note: Both ninja head and laptop are found online. The rest? Gradient, typography and brushes.
This is a repost from my Quora board: Photoshop in 30 minutes. Join me on Quora!
2 responses to “30 Minutes Photoshop: Ninja Coder”
This is a delightful post! I just discovered you on Quora, expressing your disappointment in the comments over the lack of appalling images in a (mildly) insipid "how to avoid shocking people with appalling images" post. I up voted, with enthusiasm, then tracked you, courtesy of your breadcrumbs.
Nice website. I am lol-ing again as I glance up and read the related post: "Quora: Where can I rent a Despicable Me Minion mascot costume in Malaysia?" It has such a non-sequitor ambience!
Here's something for you to enjoy in return. After all, you brought amusement and good cheer to me, so it is only fair to share. I was looking at a new Thomson-Reuters scholarly journal product (they are cornering the market, although they seem to have a problem with starting things and not quite getting them out of beta… ever, at least with certain projects). Anyway, I found the following whimsical URL while perusing their World Journal of Surgery site (manuscript submissions) which I hope you'll like. HASHCODE=SANITY_CHECK is the highlight ;o)
hxxps://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/wjs?NEXT_PAGE=FORMS_AND_INSTRUCTIONS&CURRENT_ROLE_ID=1&CURRENT_USER_ID=0&DOCUMENT_HASHCODE=&SANITY_CHECK_DOCUMENT_ID=&CONFIG_ID=872&PAGE_NAME=LOGIN Also, there was an intriguing photograph which I hope will be allowed… you have video embedding enabled in Intense Debate, so I'll hope for the best with a jpg. The title is Hand On. It was from a medical diagnostic imagery demonstration. I hope the image's URL is preserved (unlike Quora, which just eats them whole… or converts to some image hosted cloud thing?) http://breast-surg-intl.org/wp-content/uploads/20…
My recent post The problem with randomness
I am making changes to my site amidst my busy schedule and thus only can reply now. ๐
And yes, the image link is eaten… ๐ฎ