Now, now. I am not hosting any 21st birthday parties with friends. 1 with family is enough. I seldom like the feeling that people gather to celebrate birthday. I am open to presents though. Haha.
Anyway, I gonna be prepared myself for something in camp later… Happy birthday to myself.
5 responses to “Happy Birthday to Myself”
New post: Happy Birthday to Myself
What's that? Did I miss your birthday party? When?
.-= Hillary´s last blog ..24-hr Blogathon – Thanks for Joining The Ride! =-.
nope… you didn’t… there was a party, but it was for family only…
What's that? Did I miss your birthday party? When?
.-= Hillary´s last blog ..24-hr Blogathon – Thanks for Joining The Ride! =-.
nope… you didn't… there was a party, but it was for family only…