Category: My Notepad

  • Plurk: Let me be reincarnated!

    moby74 has recently reached 100.00 for his karma level and asked “What’s next?”. There are suggestions from me and others to let the karma level drop back to zero and start all over again. However, this means that a Plurker will have to abandon his Plurk for some time and whatever build up he has…

  • Online appeal: Calling for blood platelets donations

    I have received a comment from a Peiwen, the originator of the email. She requested to have this post removed. However, I will just edit out the names and the location of the patient. I have received emails from different sources on a cancer patient needing blood platelets donations for his fight against cancer. Dear…

  • Quote from Mummy: Blog & Block

    I came back home just past midnight. I was out with friends from the Net, specifically from Plurk. We had supper at Lau Pat Sat after a session of Open Room by Ogilvy. I was not present at the session. Instead, I spent time trying to study at the Central Library. Apparently studying at library…