Tag: Singapore

  • Movie: Update for Subaru

    In a previous post, I wrote that there is no release date for the movie in Singapore. I recently found out that it is wrong. I was curious to find out whether there will be a DVD release for the movie. Then I came across the imdb entry on the movie. Under the release date…

  • Britain Got Talent. Does Singapore have?

    Recently on Youtube, there are videos of 2 singers on the reality show, Britain Got Talent that are generating millions of views. And these videos are only 3 weeks or so old.Thess 2 singers are shining in the videos like stars. Drawing parallel to Singapore, do we have such creative talents? I doubt so. Shows…

  • News: 25 Random Things About Singapore Youth

    I just came back into the guardhouse from doing an exhausting guard duty, when my spec and fellow friend showed me this article in the Straits Times. This is the view of a foreign student on Singapore youth. And what he observed certainly rings true. By Daniel Reimold WORLDWIDE, randomness has reached a tipping point…