Gundam Unicorn
I know that at times like this I should not be distracted. It is in the middle of my exam period, but who can actually pass up a good story: Gundam Unicorn. Like most , if not, all Gundam series, it has a deep story line with plenty of moral implications, conflicts and issues to think…
Experienced The Right Room with AsiaRooms.com
This post is two weeks over due, as I was caught up with the crazy school workload. In any case, I do hope this still reached out in time to my readers. On the 23rd of March, I was invited by AsiaRooms.com for its launch for its search for Singapore’s next social travel star. The…
Poly Students To Become Like JC Students: Uniforms for students
We always hear why polytechnic students are not like JC students when comes to busfares. Now a polytechnic, Temasek Polytechnic is taking steps to move towards being one. Step 1: Enforcing school uniforms on all students Apparently, there is a webpage on temasekpoly.sg that details an upcoming implementation. Now let’s better hope that this is…