Switch Java versions on Mac OS X
Note: At the time of writing, the OS in question is Mac OS X High Sierra 10.13.6. Mac OS X contains a rudimentary amount of developer tools underneath the shiny user interface. These packaged tools get outdated very fast, and developers are left scrambling to get the updated tools installed. Java, as a matter of…
Rabbit Hole: Updating Server
It hadn’t had to be this way. But rabbit holes happen all the time. This time, it is no different. The starting point? InvoiceNinja. InvoiceNinja is a Laravel based invoicing system. Its primary job, as you guess it, is to issue invoices. Now, why does an analytics consultant need an invoicing system, especially when he…
Creativity in translation
Translating for WordPress themes and plugins is a repetitive work for most of the time. Filled with technical words and jargon, only a minority of the texts requires quite a bit of creativity. One of the most infamous strings in WordPress would be ‘Cheatin’ uh?’. This string was a general catch-all error message. For many…