Category: My Notepad

  • Twitter Updates for 2009-10-20

    time to crash! # very efficient… now then tell me need to book in early tml… # New post: Quick Updates 503 # is currently listening to Wo De Jia by Jio Cai… By the way, @TweetDeck should have Chinese language support. # [Blog] Request for song: # listening to a recording of yesterday…

  • Request for song

    I first joined choir when I was in Secondary School. It became an integrated part of my life soon. The first song I sang as a choir member was Ad Una Fresca Riva by Luca Marenzio. It was selected as the set piece for SAB choirs for SYF Central Judging (back when there was no…

  • Quick Updates

    Nothing much happening actually. Just that my routine is getting messed up with changes in class schedules and increased work time. Haix…