Category: My Notepad

  • Platonic Love

    Beside every woman, there is a platonic friend. You can call it love, or you can just call it a liking, but for what reasons they just can’t be together as one? Maybe it is because he cherish the friendship too much, too much to consider the notion of chasing after her. Maybe  it is…

  • Who is more scared of lizard than him? ^.^

    Should have taken one with the spider too. ^.^ Haha… Anyway, Happy ORD!

  • Plurk 1: Microsoft 0

    Microsoft has suspended a new internet messaging service in China, after it emerged that the site was partially based on code stolen from a rival startup. The site, Juku, launched in November is similar in concept to other online messaging systems like Twitter. But earlier this week the team behindPlurk, a young internet company based in…