Category: My Notepad

  • Paper Furniture

    I just watched an episode of All About Paper, an infotainment show which re-ran on Channel News Asia. Surprisingly, even a 2008 show can be refreshing! It showcased on how paper can be a material used for functional home furnishing. The episode featured three products made from paper. They are Honey Comb Lamp (pictured), FlexibleLove…

  • USA Envoy to Singapore

    This what Senator David Adelman said in his Senate hearing, I intend, if confirmed, to use public diplomacy to work towards greater press freedoms, greater freedom of assembly and ultimately more political space for opposition parties in Singapore. (via) Make no mistake, I am not a fan of politics, but I would love to see…

  • Shodoku: Street of Japan – Hereen Outlet

    I managed to eat at Shodoku: Street of Japan outlet at Hereen 3 days back. My superior treated me to lunch there, otherwise I would not be going there. It took over Marche premises and adopted the same concept of having a central ordering area. The concept does not work as well as Marche, in…