Category: My Notepad

  • Freezing laptop

    Freezing laptop

    No. My laptop is not ice-cold. It is just that the screen begins to freeze up by itself. This despite me doing the following: Updating the driver to the latest working one, which just came out a few days ago. Shutting off the PCI Power Management thing as recommended by several people on forums. Render…

  • Connectify: your solution to setting up a private network

    Connectify: your solution to setting up a private network

    Previously in one of my screenshots, my iPod Touch was connected to a network names robertsky. At the point in time, I was in school and I do not have a router with me. Neither do I have phone which is smart enough to be an access point. Instead, I was running that network off…

  • Quick Tip: WLAN-SMU for iDevices

    Quick Tip: WLAN-SMU for iDevices

      The University has recently updated the school network and thus has made WLAN-Student redundant. In this update, the joining to the school network for iDevice is rather painless, unlike the old settings. Anyway, here are the steps. 1. Opening your Wi-Fi Networks setting page and select WLAN-SMU. (I am connected to robertsky at the…