Category: My Notepad

  • Review: Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard Cover

    A few weeks ago, I received Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard Cover for review. The keyboard is meant for iPad, and yet I readily accepted it since I had just acquired a loaned iPad unit from my FYP sponsor for development purpose anyway. The Ultrathin Keyboard is connects via Bluetooth to the iPad and promises six-month battery…

  • The Trigger to Learn to Play Piano?

    The Trigger to Learn to Play Piano?

    Today, I walked into the office of the FYP sponsor with a rather good vibe. That vibe was enhanced by this piece of music on 8tracks stream, which I accidentally left running in the background: Now, I feel like hitting the keys on the piano that was somehow brought to home months ago. But before…

  • Catching Up on Blogging

    So apparently, I gotten busy to the point that I am neglecting this blog. Very bad, very bad. :X Currently, I am working on my FYP project. My team is creating an iPad application which displays personalised feeds on kPop news. The personalisation factor would include the user’s ranking of artists and user’s interactions with…