Month: January 2013

  • How do I get over my bad habit of procrastinating?

    Answer by Oliver Emberton: I'll answer your question, but first I need to explain all of human civilisation in 2 minutes with the aid of a cartoon snake. Humans like to think we're a clever lot. Yet those magnificent, mighty brains that allow us to split the atom and touch the moon are the same…

  • Here Is How A Rumoured £1m Engagement Proposal Looks Like

    Here Is How A Rumoured £1m Engagement Proposal Looks Like

    Often we see wedding videos of how a couple comes together. Often we watch videos on how guys proposed to their girlfriends. They are mostly creative, engaged friends and relatives to aid them in their pursuit of love and happiness.  Now here is a crazy video of one engagement. Backed by studded violin, harp, laser…

  • I want to become an entrepreneur, where do I start?

    Answer by Oliver Emberton: Let’s make you an entrepreneur in 5 minutes. (I like a challenge). You don’t need qualifications, money, a planet-sized-brain or even a particularly good idea. All an entrepreneur ever does is create something that consistently makes money. Think of a company as amachine you design and build. Here’s McDonalds: Your ‘machine’…